Hi my name is
Winston N. Tan

About Me

Hi there! I am a currently a senior, pursuing a degree in Computer Science (CS) at the University of Maryland. I am involved in relevant extracurricular activities, projects and internships, that give me hands-on experience in software development and engineering. I'm constantly on a lookout for new ways to challenge myself and grow both personally and professionally.

Outside of CS, I enjoy spending time with friends and family, play on intramural sports such as soccer, basketball and volleyball, and being involved in student organizations.


Python, Java, C, C++, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Ruby, Ocaml, MATLAB, Assembly

Node JS, Express, Jupyter, MongoDB, Neo4j, Flask, RESTful APIs, Pandas, Numpy, JUnit, Apache, Ajax, jQuery, Bootstrap

Tools/Operating Systems
Git, GitHub Desktop, Docker, Ardunio, Blender, Postman, Anaconda, Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook, VS Code, Exclipse, IntelliJ, MobaXTerm, Gephi

Operating Systems
Linux, MacOS, Windows


Acclaim Technical Services (ATS)
Summer 2023 - Full Stack Software Engineering Intern
  • Collaborated with a team of 3 to create a full-stack graph application that significantly streamlined the HR department's candidate management process.
  • Utilized Python/Flask and Django to develop and design RESTful API endpoints allowing communication between front and backend components.
  • Incorporated Alchemy.js (open-source graph visualization library) to visualize data as nodes and edges.
  • Integrated HTML, CSS, JS, jQuery, and Ajax to create dynamic web pages for data interaction and visualization.
  • Developed CSV parser which extracts information(i.e. skills, name, contract, etc.) to generate Cypher queries for ingestion into Neo4j database.
Summer 2022 - Software Engineering/Extended Reality (AR/VR) Intern
  • Ulitlized Python and RESTful API to help test and develop the backend (sever-side) of a government prototype. Leveraged HTML to help develop and update the front-end (webpage) of a the prototype.
  • Used Postman to help employ RESTful API requests to update a GIS Cesium Map. This helped simulate military combat by pinning locations of potential target and enemies.
  • Developed 3D models via Blendor to allow a variety of viewing options in ingest into virtual reality (VR) worlds (i.e. Spatial) for meetings.
  • Tested pre-release tools like Virtualitics, an advanced AI analytics tool that facilitates data filtering and generates 3D models from large datasets.


Some links are clickable
Autonomous OTV Rover (C++, Arduino, Circuit Lab)
  • Lead a team of 7 to develop an automous rover capable of navigating through a randomized course and extinguish flames as the lead engineer.
  • Developed and designed the capabilities of the rover to autonomously navigate through the course via C++ and Arduino.
  • Configured and optimized each ultrasonic sensors, servo, and wheel motors, to enable the rover to autonoumsly perform its tasks and navigate the course on its own.
Impact of Per Game Stats on NBA Team Success (Python, HTML, Numpy/Pandas, BeautifulSoup, Jupyter)
  • Gathered and parsed (BeautifulSoup) over 9000 data points the top 50 teams from an NBA database. The time range our team (group of 4) focused on were between 2010-2020.
  • Utilized Pandas and NumPy filter out certain categories (i.e. FGP, W%, L%). Analyzed the statistics to help bring a thorough analysis of a team's success.
Web-Based Weather App (HTML, CSS, Javascript, MongoDB, Node.js, Express, RESTful API)
  • Developed a weather application that displays weather information based on the city the user inputs.
  • Used Node.js and Express to develop the server-side (backend) of the application. Express handles HTTP requests and perform specific actions based on the requests.
  • Integrated MongoDB to store and manage weather information, allowing users to access their search history and favorite locations.
  • Incorporated HTML and CSS features to develop an intuitive and clean UI for the user. Animated loading screen using keyframes and Javascript.
  • Implemented RESTful API to retrieve and fetch real-time weather information using openweathermap.org's api.
Terrapin Web Store (HTML, CSS, Apache, Php, XAMPP)
  • Created a simple webpage that mimics a Terrapin Webstore via HTML and CSS.
  • Incorporated HTML features such as forms, fields, links, and other tags to enable website navigation across multiple pages.
  • Configured Apache and XAMPP to serve as a local server. This allowed the webpage to take in user input and store information locally for later use.
Battleship Game (Ruby)
  • Developed Battleship game by processing text files containing the ships or attack strategies.
  • By processing the text files, it can build a 10x10 gameboard of ships and perform attacks on the opponent's gameboard.
  • Familiarized myself with Ruby's built-in data structures, code blocks, and text processing capabilities.
Regular Expression Engine (Ocaml)
  • Implemented algorithms for regular expression (regex), NFA (Non-Deterministic Finite Automaton), and DFA (Deterministic Finite Automaton).
  • Converts regex to NFA, NFA to DFA, and vice-versa.
  • The algorithms determine whether a given string is accepted as a regex, NFA, and DFA.
Data Structures (Python)
  • Implemented popular data structures such as Binary Search Trees, AVL Trees, Scapegoat Trees, AA/Red Black Trees, Bloom Filters, and Kth Nearest Neighbors (KNN).
  • Many of the projects listed have implemented insert, delete, search, and miscellaneous methods.
Shell Simulator (C, Makefiles)
  • Developed the guts of a shell that supports functionality of boolean operations, pipes, file redirection, and logical functions such as AND or OR.
  • Facilitates features of C such as pointers, input/output redirection, makefiles, threads, and processes.
Maze Runner (Java)
  • Visualized the navigation of the paths taken from the designated start to end.
  • Implemented several graph algorithms such as Breadth-First Search, Depth-First Search, Dijkstra's Algorithm, and more.

